which ink pad to use?

I use VersaFine Clair ink pads.
The nice thing about these inks, besides the beautiful colors, is that the pad protrudes from the plastic base, which makes it easier to ink the stamp well.
VersaFine Clairs cost a little more, but they are more professional and last longer too.
I’ll show you the colors I have and their yield, I’ll leave you the links to the products on Amazon (just click on the buttons below), but if you find them in a shop in your city it’s better.
how to ink the stamp?
If you use an ink pad with the pad protruding from the base, then you can place the pad on the stamp – and not as is commonly done, by dipping the stamp on top of the pad lying on the table.
This way, you can better verify that you are inking all parts of the stamp, as you can see in this short video.
how to clean the stamp?
Il metodo per pulire i miei timbri varia leggermente a seconda della tipologia acquistata.
hand-engraved stamps (PREMIUM & BASIC)
Just use some absorbent paper or a tissue, don’t rub too hard.
Then you can check that it is clean by pressing it on a piece of paper, if it doesn’t leave any marks, then it is clean.
If you want you can use a sponge with soap and water, but you will have to pay attention to two things: do not wet the wooden support and do not leave traces of soap on the matrix, as the ink may not adhere well to the next print.
standard stamps
The material they are made of is sensitive to water, so it should not be used.
You can clean it very well using wet wipes, the important thing is that you then place it on paper several times so that when you put it away it is very dry.